McClary Bros. Old Timey Drinking Vinegar
easy as (michigan apple) pie!
I'm pretty sure the weather here in Atlanta is hungover. Like, she just now woke up, rolled into a pile of cheetos and went, "wha? huh? OH JEEZ! It's JUNE already? oh. Why didn't someone wake me?! GAH, I turned my alarm off when I meant to hit snooze. Well, let me make up for the unseasonably pleasant weather and cool breeze with HUMIDITY! bam! Hot as hades temperatures! snap! NO MORE BREEZE FOR YOU! hahaha!"
She is one cranky mother. Someone get her some huevos rancheros!
For better or for worse, I can see that the weather is going full-on summer #beastmode and all I can do is put on some shorts (avert your eyes!) and make the best of it.
With that in mind, let me introduce you to today's drink. Rather, I should say today's ingredient: drinking vinegar.
Drinking vinegar?
yes. Drinking vinegar.
vinegar? hardly knew her!
As you may or may not know, fermented foods are kind of a big deal right now. Sadly, I can't stand kimchi (sorry, hipsters) and kombucha, while totes delish, is lacking that sweet sweet booze element that makes summers here tolerable.
Enter: drinking vinegar. Add some ice, sparkly water, and your booze of choice and you are all set to sit on a porch and swat mosquitos while sipping this delightful drink (and pretending it's good for you). I mean, sure, you can survive on wine slushies all summer, but it's nice to have variety!
McClary Bros. in no way sponsors me (but a girl can dream) I just really like what they're puttin down. Today, I used Michigan Apple Pie, but I'm a huge fan of their Pineapple and Fennel, Michigan Cranberry, and Lemon Ginger. Each one pairs really well with a particular spirit, but really, it's up to you. Another thing I like, is that you can mix as little or as much of both booze and vinegar to your taste! Sometimes (mainly when I'm dealing with the repercussions of over-indulgence the day before) I enjoy the vinegar with soda water, and it settles my tummy right away. Or at least it makes me more responsive to the restorative powers of TexMex. I've even splashed some vinegar in my hot toddy before! Yummy.
combine in a lowball glass:
1.5 oz spirit of choice (I used whiskey)
1 oz drinking vinegar (I used Michigan Apple Pie)
top with sparkling water
Now hie thee hence to the nearest porch and get thy drink on!
oversized bamboo straw is optional. But you can get yours here