“It’s easy being nice when nice is easy, but niceness is the first thing to go when an unexamined life becomes even slightly difficult.”
Preparations are underway for the grand opening of the exclusive Manderly Resort. As items are checked off to-do lists, a killer systematically stalks the nearly empty hotel. While the killer methodically progresses from floor to floor, the hotel manager, Tessa, ties up loose ends and finesses the small staff. Oblivious to the foreboding threat, Tessa’s productive sprint is halted when someone from her past arrives. Someone she has tried to forget.
Wohlsdorf expertly weaves tension through her mysterious narrator, offering questions, observations, and background- enough to flesh out the narrative, but not enough to distract from the suspense. The element that makes this book so unique is Wohlsdorf’s use of split-page narration, immersing the reader a multi-dimensional reading experience.
No time is wasted in this short but satisfying read (229 pages). Bloody and darkly funny, this gritty thriller stands out from the pack. Recommended for fans of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Quentin Tarantino films.
Wohlsdorf, G. (2016). Security : a novel. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill.