Wine Slushies!
these guys are summer AF
I had never even heard the term "wine slushie" until I discovered The Bloggess. If you have never heard of her before, then welcome to what I can only assume is your first day on the internet. Stop everything and go to her! She will welcome you into her gentle bloggy bosom and guide you along still waters. Still waters full of hilarity and curse words. Ok, that metaphor broke down pretty quickly, but just go. Leave me. Save yourself!
Welcome back! *hugs*
As I was saying, every now and again The Bloggess would casually toss out the phrase "wine slushie" like it was no big deal. You know, something we all have access to or are so familiar with we don't need explanation. At first, I just assumed she was just off-handedly mixing two lovely words together to create a made-up ideal product. Like "butterbeer" or "champagne chocolate"... I don't know.
The closest recipe I could ever find is here (nestled between her recipes for Cheap Shame and The Menstruating Unicorn). Alas! Alack!
Then, magically I found this on PureWow and my wine slushie dreams have come true.
Taking stock, I realized that I didn't have all of the ingredients for any one recipe- coupled with the fact that I am crap at following directions- so I made up my own based on Baking a Moment's contribution! I call it...
for two normal people slushies or one Spirited Librarian serving:
3 cups frozen fruit (I had mixed berries)
half a banana, frozen (optional for sweetness)
8 oz. wine (all I could find was vino verde)
2 oz. whiskey (the original recipe called for brandy, but no tengo)
2 oz. cointreau
a few dashes of cinnamon
blend until smooth while doing your happy dance.
serve as festively as possible (I suggest tiny unbrellas, colored straws, or the use of extra panache)
and consume immediately (ideally, while you are making your next round).
Cheers, y'all!
berry me not on the lone prairie...